
Nutritional strategies for hypertrophy

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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Menno Henselmans

Menno Henselmans

Founder, Author and Coach,

Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro

Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro

Owner of Vitamin PhD Nutrition and Nutrition Coach for Renaissance Periodization,

Danny Lennon

Danny Lennon

Nutrition Science Communicator,

Jonas Notter

Jonas Notter

World Natural Bodybuilding Champion, PNBA

Philipp Rauscher

Philipp Rauscher

Author and Coach,

Adam Tzur

Adam Tzur


Luis Villaseñor

Luis Villaseñor

Ketogains Founder, Fitness and Nutrition Specialist,

Peter Bond

Peter Bond


Dr. Jason Cholewa

Dr. Jason Cholewa

Founder, Coach & Associate Professor of Exercise Science, Big Red Physical Performance

Dr. Melissa Davis

Dr. Melissa Davis

Author and coach at Renaissance Periodization,

Dr. Artin Entezarjou

Dr. Artin Entezarjou

Medical Doctor, PhD candidate,

Dr. Peter Fitschen

Dr. Peter Fitschen

Founder, Coach and Author,

Shane Hubbard

Shane Hubbard

Fat Loss Coach,

Dr. Susan Kleiner

Dr. Susan Kleiner

Owner of High Performance Nutrition and Director of Science and Communication for Vitargo, High Performance Nutrition

Adel Moussa

Adel Moussa

Educator, Writer, Health & Fitness Enthusiast,

Dr. Mike T. Nelson

Dr. Mike T. Nelson

Author, Creator of Flex Diet Cert, Adjunct Faculty, at the Carrick Institute, Research Nerd,

Dr. Eric Trexler

Dr. Eric Trexler

Director of Education,

Mike Wines

Mike Wines

Exercise Physiologist, Researcher and Author


Habit-Based Bodybuilding

Philipp Rauscher

The Effects of Nitric Oxide Supplements on Strength and Hypertrophy

Eric Trexler

Training Gear & Gadgets

Menno Henselmans

Fats vs Carbs – Which Is Best for Hypertrophy and Body Composition?

Mike T. Nelson

Demystifying Fat Loss That Stays Off

Shane Hubbard

Lifestyle Recommendations for a Diverse Microbiome

Gabrielle Fundaro

Carbohydrate Restriction: Friend or Foe of Physique Athlete Performance?

Jason Cholewa

Grain Brain? Wheat Belly? Not in this loaf: The science, processing and culinary art of heritage grains.

Susan Kleiner

Gaining muscle mass in a caloric deficit

Adam Tzur

Hormesis, hypertrophy and how anti-oxidant supplements may affect your gains

Adel Moussa

The 5 Most Common Bodybuilding Contest Preparation Myths

Peter Fitschen

An Introduction to the Molecular Mechanisms of Muscle Growth: The mTORC1 Signalling Pathway

Peter Bond

The Protein Prescription for Muscle Mass

Artin Entezarjou

Is it possible to build muscle in Ketosis? Myths, Realities, Do’s and Dont’s

Luis Villaseñor

Protein Intake, Dose & Distribution to Maximize the Anabolic Response

Danny Lennon

How I trained and dieted to win the 2018 World Natural Bodybuilding Championships

Jonas Notter

Evidence-Based Practice for Habit Formation and Goal Acquisition

Melissa Davis

Unlocking Hidden Potential: The Biochemistry of Sleep in Performance & Hypertrophy

Mike Wines