
Our speakers are sharing their best tips and strategies to build muscle. Who will you watch?

Proudly supported by

Menno Henselmans

Founder, Author and Coach, Mennohenselmans.com

Dr. Mike Israetel

Co-Founder and Chief Sport Scientist, Renaissanceperiodization.com

Greg Nuckols

Founder, Coach and Writer, Strongerbyscience.com

Mike Tuchscherer

Head Coach of Reactive Training Systems, Reactivetrainingsystems.com

Børge André Fagerli

Coach and Mentor, Borgefagerli.com

Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro

Owner of Vitamin PhD Nutrition and Nutrition Coach for Renaissance Periodization, Vitaminphdnutrition.com

Steve Hall

Founder and Coach, Revivestronger.com

Danny Lennon

Nutrition Science Communicator, Sigmanutrition.com

Jonas Notter

World Natural Bodybuilding Champion, PNBA

Philipp Rauscher

Author and Coach, Physique-coaching.com

Adam Tzur

Founder, Sci-fit.net

Luis Villaseñor

Ketogains Founder, Fitness and Nutrition Specialist, Ketogains.com

Szoták Andrei

Personal Trainer, Online Coach and Podcaster, Themuscleengineer.podbean.com

Peter Bond

Author, PeterBond.nl

Dr. Jason Cholewa

Founder, Coach & Associate Professor of Exercise Science, Big Red Physical Performance

Abel Csabai

Author, Podcaster and Coach, Sustainableselfdevelopment.com

Dr. Melissa Davis

Author and coach at Renaissance Periodization, Renaissanceperiodization.com

Jay Ehrenstein

Founder and Director of Education, The Modern Muscle Movement

Dr. Artin Entezarjou

Medical Doctor, PhD candidate, EBTofficial.com

Dr. Peter Fitschen

Founder, Coach and Author, Fitbodyphysique.com

Pascal Flor

Coach and Co-owner, Revivestronger.com

Dr. Bryan Haycock

Director of Science & Innovation and Writer, Thinkmuscle.com

Luke Hoffman

Co-founder and Coach, The Muscle Mentors

Shane Hubbard

Fat Loss Coach, Shanehubbardfit.com

Karsten Jensen

Founder, Author, Lecturer and Periodization Coach, Yestostrength.com

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