
Our speakers are sharing their best tips and strategies to build muscle. Who will you watch?

Proudly supported by

Dr. Susan Kleiner

Owner of High Performance Nutrition and Director of Science and Communication for Vitargo, High Performance Nutrition

Adel Moussa

Educator, Writer, Health & Fitness Enthusiast, Suppversity.blogspot.com

Nick Nilsson

Author, Coach and Founder of BetterU, Inc., BetterU

Dr. Jim Potvin

Founder, Consultant and Researcher, Potvinbiomechanics.com

Dr. Brandon Roberts

Director of Research and Education, Thestrengthguys.com

Eric Lee Salazar

Owner, IFBB Pro Bodybuilder, Sponsored Athlete and Ambassador of the Personal Training Collective, Flexlevelonline.com

Austin Stout

Contest Prep & Health Coach (NPC Bodybuilder), Educator and Podcaster, Integrated-muscle.com

Dr. Lucas Tafur

Molecular biologist and Co-founder, Nutmol.com

Dr. Grant Tinsley

Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University, Granttinsley.com

Dr. Mike T. Nelson

Author, Creator of Flex Diet Cert, Adjunct Faculty, at the Carrick Institute, Research Nerd, Miketnelson.com

Mario Tomic

Founder and CEO, Tomic.com

Fredrik Tonstad Vårvik

Research Assistant, StyrkeFysiologen.no

Dr. Eric Trexler

Director of Education, Strongerbyscience.com

Mike Wines

Exercise Physiologist, Researcher and Author

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